Piedmont School
815 Old Mill Road,
High Point, NC 27265
School specializing in educating learning disabilities and ADHD Tutoring and academic coaching
Located in High Point, NC. The Piedmont School special needs of ADHD students. Attention Deficit Disorder, dyslexia, learning disorders, education development and literacy require special assessments.
Keywords: learning disabilities
attention deficit disorders
academic coaching
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Interview Q&A
How long have you been in business?
27 years
What is your primary product or service?
educating 1st through 8th grade LD/ADHD students in our full and half day program. Tutoring and academic coaching any child in grades 1 through 12.
How did you first become interested in your line of business? (if owner) - What is your background? (If owner or store manager)
Dorie Sturgill - Director of The Piedmont School for 5 years, began as a teacher 14 years ago. In education for 25 years. BS in special education and masters in School Administration.
How do you differentiate yourself from other businesses in your category and area?
The goal and mission of The Piedmont School is to work with our students, get them ready to return to the public schools or other private schools with the skills they need to be successful.
Provide detailed directions to your location
815 Old Mill Rd. off of Johnson St. and Skeet Club Rd.
What type of payments do you accept?
cash, check, credit card.
Which areas do you service?
Peidmont Triad
Who owns your company or runs daily operations?
Governed by a board of community volunteers
What are your hours of operation?
7:30 to 5:45.
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